From my earliest memories I was that child that held the map while seated in the car as we traveled across Canada - excited to announce the next town we would pass through! During my later educational years, Geography was always at the forefront of my studies. As a child in a military family, we traveled extensively in Canada and the United States. Subsequently, while in the Federal Government for over 32 years, I was afforded the possibility to experience Canada as an adult.
I have always been a planner - both planning my extensive family trips to sun destinations to planning personal trips to Europe - I thrived on looking at all the options available, conducting research into destinations and finally booking said travel. Some of my most memorable trips would be: Berlin - Amsterdam, a month long trek around Germany and finally, my go to sun destination, the Mayan Riviera.
This past year, even with the pandemic, I was able to achieve many things of which I am so proud of - first and foremost, I was married to an incredible individual - one who has the same desire to travel as I. Also, after 32 years with the Federal Government, I was able to retire -which then afforded me the time to become a certified travel agent.
When possible and safe to travel, some of the destinations that are in the cards for me (and my partner)are: Australia, Panama Canal, Portugal and Morocco.
I look forward to sharing my experiences with my clients and having them share theirs with me! This world is so small and life is too short - so truly believe that we need to live each moment to it's fullest........ I PLAN TOO!!